
Tuesday, January 1, 2013

So it's the end of day 1, and no ill effects so far!  We did our major grocery shopping today to stock up on "grok" foods.  We have lots of meat in the fridge and freezer, basic veggies (I need to learn how to cook a bigger variety), fruit, and lots of nuts.  Also some full-fat dairy, which was harder to find than I thought (at least for yogurt).  I think a major part of this is going to be planning ahead.  As the work week starts back up I'll need to figure out my lunches the day before.  I have some sliced chicken mixed with yogurt for tomorrow - my version of a chicken salad.  I think I'm going to need to remind my boyfriend to plan ahead too.  It will be so easy to fall off of this if we end up at work without a plan and then use it as an excuse to buy convenience food.

On a separate note we're starting to look into getting a share in a local CSA for the summer season.  It looks expensive, but we're going to compare it to how much we would pay for the same produce at the supermarket and see if we can swing it.  It would be wonderful to support local farmers and eat grok!

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