
Sunday, January 13, 2013

So I'm officially down 5 pounds!  Woohoo!  I feel great too.  Normally if there's a day I don't have caffeine I know it, but now I feel energetic without it and can choose to have tea or not.  I "came out" to my other primal friends last night and told them that my boyfriend and I are on the Primal Blueprint.  It was both nice to share and a little scary (cause now it feels like I'm committed, if I give up they'll know!).  But I guess I shouldn't worry too much since we're almost at 2 weeks and feeling good.  He's having some erratic readings on his blood pressure - that might be from the changes but also adapting while on medication.  We're hoping that eventually he won't need it anymore.

I think this week I'm going to give the fitness portion of the blueprint a try.  So far I haven't, but I like the idea of the strength training using bodyweight, play and sprints.  I used to be really into bellydancing and might use that as my playtime.  I also want to be able to run a 5k again without dying so I might do a slow-paced walk-to-run program.  It's hard for me not to think of fitness as a chore, so I'm trying to get into a mindset that it doesn't have to be all pain to see gains.

The hardest changes are going to be lifestyle changes in terms of reducing blue light after daylight ends.  I work three jobs that all require me to be on top of my e-mails and what's going on, even on weekends.  Plus I work several nights and don't want to just fall into bed when I get home.  But I'm putting off some of these changes for now and trying to take baby steps towards a more healthy lifestyle.  I installed f.lux on my computer at home and at work.  I'm also consciously trying not to be attached to my cell phone like a maniac and to have a more healthy approach to modern technology.  We'll see how it goes!

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