
Saturday, January 26, 2013

Okay so no more food log for now.  Suffice to say my work schedule has been a bit busy and I fell off for a few days - but I am happy to report that I am still eating grok, most of the entries would look the same anyways, and it has served it's purpose which was to get me through the first 21 days.  I can't believe I'm at day 26 already!  I feel great, have lost 7 pounds total, and have a lot more energy.  My pants fit comfortably again too.  We still go out to eat on occasion to our favorite Japanese restaurant for filet minon and vegetables, but no major splurges.  The most I've "cheated" is that a couple of nights ago we had 1 specialty sushi roll as an appetizer (so some rice), and my boyfriend bought chocolate covered dried blueberries and yogurt covered raisins that have sugar in them.  But I haven't gone crazy with it and the majority of my eating is as it's been for the past month.

I still haven't incorporated exercise - with the exception that one of my jobs, as an archivist, has actually involved a lot of heavy lifting.  We have to move heavy boxes right now in rearranging our storage and I've gotten tons of muscles working during that.  But as a regular routine I haven't incorporated slow moving, and most of my jobs involve sitting at a desk or sitting in my car on the commute.  One thing I've always loved since a kid was rollerskating - so I think I might try to get that in every now and then on a weeknight I'm not working (play = exercise).  I'll need to make a real plan for sprinting though, maybe just waking up earlier and doing it before work on days I don't have to be up super duper early.

I think I'm performing better at work because of this diet too.  I have more energy and can handle more - I feel like it takes more to overwhelm me in terms of stress.  I also don't have to run out to get food right on the dot at lunch, no crankiness from always being hungry.

So no more food log going forward, but I promise to report if I fall of the wagon.  At this point it feels normal now, so I doubt I would, but I do miss sushi.  I think an occasional bit of rice won't kill me, but I do still want to lose more weight to at least get back to a healthy 140 or so.  That gives me 10-15 more to lose, which if I stick with the way I'm going should take approximately 3-4 months.  I would certainly be ready for beach season if it works!  I hope so, but I'm also keeping short term goals in focus.  Any day the scale is going down or staying the same is a victory.  I just don't want to be where I was in terms of bloat and insipid weight gain.  I'm on a healthy path now and I'm stickin to it!

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